Effects of an Exercise Program to Improve the Ability of Balance and Fall Prevention among Older Adults


  • สุริยา ชอลี งานกายภาพบำบัด กลุ่มงานเวชกรรมฟื้นฟู โรงพยาบาลสมุทรสาคร
  • Manatsawee ํYamasmith งานกายภาพบำบัด กลุ่มงานเวชกรรมฟื้นฟู โรงพยาบาลสมุทรสาคร
  • Ratchaporn Biya งานกายภาพบำบัด กลุ่มงานเวชกรรมฟื้นฟู โรงพยาบาลสมุทรสาคร


elderly, falling, exercise, balance



Background: Falls is the most common of all accidents involving elderly. It could result in injury or death. Physical factors that cause of falls are the ability to maintain balance and posture in elderly has decreased. Exercise is an important method to prevent and reduce the risk of falls in older adults.

Objective: To study the effects of exercise program on the ability to balance and prevent falls in the elderly.

Methods: A quasi-experimental study was conducted with a one-group pretest-posttest design. The sample consisted of 35 older adults aged 60 years and over living in Kok Krabue Subdistrict, Mueang District, Samut Sakhon Province, consisting of 9 males and 26 females who participated in the exercise program to increase their balance and prevent falls in the elderly according to the manual exercise at home three times per week for 12 weeks. The tools used to assess balance ability include the Berg Balance Scale (BBS), Functional Reach Test (FRT), and Timed Up & test (TUG), where data was collected before and after participating in the program and tracked whether the sample had a fall or not.

Results: The sample's balance ability was improved after participating in the program. BBS increased from 54.23±2.13 to 55.17±1.34 (p<0.01), FRT increased from 24.31±6.57 cm to 29.86 ±8.44 cm (p<0.001) and TUG decreased from 8.74±1.39 s to 7.60±1.07 s (p<0.001), and no falls were detected in the sample.

Conclusion: An exercise program to improve stability and prevent falls in older adults can improve balance and prevent falls. Public health officials can encourage patients to have good balance and reduce falls in the elderly.

Keywords: elderly, falls, exercise, balance


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How to Cite

ชอลี ส., ํYamasmith M., & Biya, R. (2021). Effects of an Exercise Program to Improve the Ability of Balance and Fall Prevention among Older Adults. Hua Hin Medical Journal, 1(2), 1–11. Retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hhsk/article/view/247302



Original article