Nursing care of the patients with Pressure injury : Nurse’s Role


  • phakamard pheetarakorn วิทยาลัยพยาบาลพระจอมเกล้า จังหวัดเพชรบุรี


Nursing care, Pressure injury, Evidence Based Nursing


Pressure injury are main complication that frequently found among patients who immobile or restricted to bed from illness. Pressure ulcer has been identified as 1 of 10 indicators for measuring quality of skin care in hospital. It is the chief problem of worldwide hospital which may be complicated by infection. Although there is a clinical guideline in prevention of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers, the statistic reports high evidence of pressure ulcer on ward. This induces prolonged hospitalization and become a burden of hospitals in providing more expenditures of resource and facilities for caring those patients which increases a high treatment cost. The application of evidence-based practice in caring Pressure injury could benefit patients in reducing skin damage when compare to general nursing care. Therefore, nurse should employ appropriate pressure ulcer prevention by applying evidence-based practice in order to decrease the rate of hospital-acquired Pressure injury and reduce patients’ expenses. This article, the author would like to provide current Pressure injury evidences on definition and degrees, pressure ulcer assessment and instruments, nursing care for pressure ulcer prevention, nutritional supplementation, proper skin care, and enhancing knowledge and caring skills for care team, patients, and caregivers.


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How to Cite

pheetarakorn, phakamard. (2021). Nursing care of the patients with Pressure injury : Nurse’s Role. Hua Hin Medical Journal, 1(1), 33–48. Retrieved from



Review article