Development of Clinical Nursing Practice Guidelines for Upper Gastro intestinal Bleeding Patients Nong Bua Lamphu Hospital


  • ปิยะนุช พรหมสาขา ณ สกลนคร วิทยาลัยพยาบาลบรมราชชนนี อุดรธานี
  • Sureeporn Boonruang


Key words: Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline, The results of using the nursing practice guideline, Upper gastrointestinal bleeding patients



            This developmental research aimed at developing clinical nursing practice guidelines for upper Gastrointestinal bleeding patients (CNPG-UGIB) at Nong Bua Lamphu Hospital and to assess the benefits of implementing the clinical nursing practice guidelines. The researcher developed the nursing practice guidelines in accordance with the conceptual framework of the PDCA quality cycle by William Edwards Deming. The research was divided into 2 phases: guideline development phase and implementation and evaluation phase. The data were collected using 1. the clinical nursing practice guidelines for patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding 2. the patient record form and 3. The professional nurses’ evaluation form to assess the feasibility and clinical utility of the practice guidelines. Data were presented as frequency distribution, mean, standard deviation and T-test was performed at significant level 0.05.

The result of this study found that:

  1. The clinical nursing practice guidelines for upper Gastrointestinal bleeding patients (CNPG-UGIB), Nong Bua Lamphu Hospital, consisted of 4 steps including 1. Risk screening for newly-admitted patients 2. Nursing care of patients with hypovolemic shock and electrolyte imbalance 3. Pre-procedural nursing care of patients who undergo upper GI endoscopy or surgery and 4. Discharge planning by nurses.
  2. The effects of using clinical nursing practice guidelines for patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding were divided into 2 parts: 2.1 After implementing the CNPG-UGIB, the hematocrit (Hct) and hemoglobin level (Hb) of the patients with gastrointestinal bleeding had improved significantly (p-value 0.001) and the Prothrombin Time (PT) also had improved significantly (p-value 0.05), which was closer to the normal level. Additionally, the mortality rate, re-admission rate within 28 days and re-bleeding rate were likely to decrease, 2.2 The evaluation of nurses' opinions regarding the CNPG-UGIB showed that there was a high level of clinical feasibility: convenient to use, not complicated, to practice and can be used in the nursing team. Finally, they were highly satisfied with the CNPG-UGIB.

Keywords: Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline, result of using nursing practice guideline Upper gastrointestinal bleeding


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How to Cite

พรหมสาขา ณ สกลนคร ป., & Boonruang, S. (2020). Development of Clinical Nursing Practice Guidelines for Upper Gastro intestinal Bleeding Patients Nong Bua Lamphu Hospital. Hua Hin Medical Journal, 5(2), 39–53. retrieved from



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