Management of impaired-neurocognitive care system among elderly of Lopburi Foster Home in geriatric clinic,King Narai Memorial Hospital


  • Chanon sirikul โรงพยาบาลพระนารายณ์มหาราช


impaired-neurocognitive, geriatric clinic, geriatric care system management



The study was to set up a caring process of the elderly with or without dementia in Lopburi foster home that referred to King Narai Memorial Hospital geriatric clinic and to estimate the incidence of patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment or MCI (Government Year 2018) by reviewing medical records. We used MMSE-Thai 2002, Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) -Thai language for cognitive assessment, 2Q, 9Q, 8Q for psychological assessment, and ADL score with 119 participants. Only 80 participants can do complete cognitive assessment and 2Q. Descriptive statistic analysis was done. There were 10% of participants (8 from 80)  had mild cognitive impairment by MMSE-Thai 2002 and 85% of participants (65 from 80) by MoCA assessment. 35% Depressed (28 from 80 participants) by 2Q. 50% of 2Q positive participants were 9Q positive (14 from 28 participants). 7% of 9Q positive participants had a high current risk for suicide (1 from 14 participants). With the ADL score, we found 38% independent, 26% partial dependent, 36% severe to total dependent elders (119 participants). We used similar elderly care system called Jor-Hor Model from Maharaj Nakhonratchasima which was a tertiary care center and found that all assessment tools were useful. Somehow, only MoCA might not be done due to the overestimation of the incidence of neurocognitive impairment.

Keywords: impaired-neurocognitive, geriatric clinic,geriatric care system management


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How to Cite

sirikul, C. (2020). Management of impaired-neurocognitive care system among elderly of Lopburi Foster Home in geriatric clinic,King Narai Memorial Hospital. Hua Hin Medical Journal, 5(2), 66–78. Retrieved from



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