Family Caregivers’ Perspectives and Support Needs in Caring for End-Stage Patients

palliative care


  • สุวรรณี พรหมวิเศษ กลุ่มการพยาบาล โรงพยาบาลวิภาวดี


perspectives, end-stage patient


          The aims of this descriptive research were to explore the level of family perspectives and support needs on caring for end-stage patient’s family. The samples were to caretakers of end-stage patients who admitted to Vibhavadi, Chaiya, Tha Chang and Khiriratnikhom hospital between 29 October – 10 November 2019. 30 purposive samplings were selected from 4 hospitals.

          Research findings found that the thoughts, beliefs, and spiritual need of patient’s families were found to have a large impact and used as a way of living and they wished to do for the rest time of patient's life by wanting to die naturally was at a  high level (gif.latex?\bar{x} =3.77, SD=0.48) (gif.latex?\bar{x} =2.41, SD=0.47). However, physical discomfort and emotional conditions were found at a moderate level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 2.88,SD=1.81).The needs of patient’s families were found at the high level such as they needed to get information about diseases and the progression of their treatment in every day (gif.latex?\bar{x} =2.97,SD=0.18). Follow by patients needed as living with family members all the time of end stage in order to their support and got batter emotional status. (gif.latex?\bar{x}=2.77,SD=0.43). In terms of  spiritual needs, Buddha practice and the places for doing their religion practice which related to their beliefs were indicated at the low level needs (gif.latex?\bar{x} =1.50, SD=0.86) This findings can be directed healthcare service networking to improve clinical practice guideline for end-stage patients. This guideline must be enclosed problems and support needs in caring for end-stage patients and their family. In order to take care end-stage patients appropriately.


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How to Cite

พรหมวิเศษ ส. (2019). Family Caregivers’ Perspectives and Support Needs in Caring for End-Stage Patients: palliative care. Hua Hin Medical Journal, 4(3), e0065. retrieved from