Nursing care for multiple trauma patients
multiple truma
multiple injuries, Nursing Competency in Accident Surgery Patients, Injury patient assessment, Nursing DiagnosisAbstract
Multiple system injuries are accidents that affect many bodies of patients, or multiple systems at the same time causing complications in screening the first symptoms to diagnose nursing and medical reports. As well as monitoring patient care during the surgical treatment and recovery period in the accident surgery ward. And if the delayed nursing diagnosis is the cause of the death of the patient in a short time from severe blood loss, may have obstructive airway, or inefficient breathing, the brain suffered severe injuries. The goal of helping people with multiple injuries is to help patients survive. Which requires screening symptoms as quickly and efficiently, to diagnose nursing and report doctors to perform procedures and perform urgent surgery. Which if there is a delay from misdiagnosis of nursing will make the patient more vulnerable to loss of body function and is a major cause of disability and death. Nurses who are medical personnel who are closely caring for patients from the beginning, until taking care of postoperative recovery in an accident surgery ward. Therefore, nurses play an important role in medical treatment, and must have competency in nursing, surgical patients, accidents, that understand the pathology of the disease, disease progression, important complications and must be a person with knowledge and ability to evaluate multiple trauma patients, to provide information in making decisions to help patients in time, and can determine the correct and comprehensive nursing diagnosis.
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