Factors related to the implementation of the health management sub-district In Samutsakhon Province.

The health management sub-district


  • สรชัย หลำสาคร สำนักงานสาธารณสุขจังหวัดสมุทรสาคร


Health personnel, operations, health management sub-district


                    This research aimed: 1. to study personal factors, knowledge, support factors, and motivation factors of health personnel to the implementation of the health management sub-district, 2. to study the performance of health personnel to the implementation of the health management sub-district,3. to study the factors that are related to the implementation of the health management sub-district and 4. to study the factors affecting to the implementation of the health management sub-district in Samutsakhon province. Study between 1 March 2018 to 31 December 2018. The population used in the research was the health personnel assigned to the implementation of the health management sub-district in Samutsakhon Province, by purposive sampling 40 people from 40 sub-district. The instrument used to collected data is a questionnaire with the reliability of 0.92. Data analysis with statistics, mean, percentage, standard deviation,statistics used: Chi-square test, Pearson correlation coefficient, and Stepwise Multiple Regression.         

                    Result : 1. Personal factors of health personnel in Samutsakhon province most of them are female, there are 25 persons, accounted for62.50 percent, aged between 30 - 39 years, there are 19 person, accounted for47.50 percent, holding other public health officers, there are 25 person, accounted for62.50 percent. Operating period 10 -15 years, there are 14 people, accounted for35.00 percent, the factors that affect to the implementation of the health management sub-district In Samutsakhon Province, which is the support factor, has a high level of effect ( = 4.06, SD = 0.65) first, followed by the motivation factor with high level ( = 4.01, SD = 0.66) and most health personnel have moderate knowledge ( = 16.50, SD = 1.64) is the last rank, respectively,2. The performance according to the role of health personnel to the implementation of the health management sub-district is at a high level ( = 3.98, S.D. = 0.62).3.Gender, position, age, duration of work and knowledge is not related to the implementation of the health management sub-district Samutsakhon Province. The supporting factors and motivation factors were related to the implementation of the health management sub-district with statistical significance at the level of 0.05. 4. Variables describe the variation of the implementation of the health management sub-district, including support factors and motivation factors able to predict 24.30 percentage of the implementation of the health management sub-district.

                     The suggestion is the provincial ministry of public health administrator should development of staff capacity, should have good coordination and should be involved with all departments


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How to Cite

หลำสาคร ส. (2019). Factors related to the implementation of the health management sub-district In Samutsakhon Province.: The health management sub-district. Hua Hin Medical Journal, 4(1), e0055. Retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hhsk/article/view/181528



Case report