Medication Error of In Patients Pharmacy Department at Bangsaphan Hospital, Prachuap Kirhikhan


  • พุทธชาติ ฉันทภัทรางกูร กลุ่มงานเภสัชกรรมและคุ้มครองผู้บริโภค โรงพยาบาลบางสะพาน


Medication error, IPD Pharmacy Department


This mixed-method research aimed to study the IPD dispensing errors and the cause of them at IPD department Bangsaphan hospital Prachuapkirikhan from 160 reports between January – December 2017 and interview 8 IPD pharmacists. Descriptive statistics including frequency,mean, and standard deviation while content analysis was used to analyze qualitative data. The findings revealed that: The IPD dispensing errors from 160 reports per 40,000 day bed (4 times per 1,000 day bed). The most of severity of medication errors were level B 60%. The most of category were wrong dosage forms 30% wrong types 20% wrong strengths and wrong sticker printings 10% respectively. The most of dispensing error’s cause were the doctor’s sign, high work load, LASA drugs, the intervention of nurse or nurse aid, misscreen of the prescribings and miscommunication. From this study due to make the risk preventing system such as LASA drug management, increase IPD service teamwork, increase good communication among the doctors and nurses and make consciousness working.


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How to Cite

ฉันทภัทรางกูร พ. (2019). Medication Error of In Patients Pharmacy Department at Bangsaphan Hospital, Prachuap Kirhikhan. Hua Hin Medical Journal, 2(2), 17–22. retrieved from