Drug Related Problems of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease patients at male ward in Bangsaphan Hospital, Prachuap Kirikhan.


  • พุทธชาติ ฉันทภัทรางกูร เภสัชกรชานาญการ ภม.


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Pharmaceutical care, Drug related problem


This descriptive study aimed to evaluate the outcomes of pharmaceutical care on patient’s medication including drug related problems and to know how to manage the problems after the intervention of the pharmacist. Sample consisted of 30 patients, Bangsaphan hospital during 1stApril 2015 to 30th June 2015. The device are 4 parts such as the pharmaceutical care form, the general data record form, the inhaler technique evaluate form and the medication reconciliation form. The data were analyzed for percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The result were 1) 30 patients with drug related problems(DRPs), 42 problems in total. The most DRPs were 20 non-compliances(47.62%), 10 adverse drug reactions(23.81%), 5 drug interactions(11.90%), 5 over doses(11.90%) and 2 under doses(4.76%). A pharmacist resolved or prevented DRPs by counseling patients 27 DRPs (64.28%) and consult physicians 27 problems (35.71%). The outcomes of the response assessment from the doctors and the patients are 100%. Suggestion from the research : Pharmaceutical care provided by pharmacist for COPD patients could improve patients’ inhaler techniques and reduce drug related problems. Medication reconciliation could prevent some DRPs. Pharmaceutical care could do in all of chronic disease patients to receive efficacy and safety in medication and save for our country.


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How to Cite

ฉันทภัทรางกูร พ. (2019). Drug Related Problems of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease patients at male ward in Bangsaphan Hospital, Prachuap Kirikhan. Hua Hin Medical Journal, 1(1), 98–106. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hhsk/article/view/175050



Case report