Jintana clip to prevent hypothermia in newborn while moving


  • จินตนา กุณฑีทอง พยาบาลวิชาชีพช่านาญการ


Clip Jintana, Prevention the hypothermia, Newborn, while moving


This research and development were to develop Jintana clip to prevent hypothermia in newborn while movingand to study the result ofJintana clip toprevent hypothermia in newborn while moving. Method of this researchto make the Clip Jintana for the prevent hypothermia in newborn while moving,performance test and experiments with actual used with 2,595 and 2,398newborns at the Delivery Room in Hua Hin Hospitalin 2013 and 2014,and evaluate the satisfaction to used Clip Jintana for the prevent hypothermia in newborn while moving from the nurse to make this job 20 persons.The instruments used Clip Jintana and evaluation by 1) Note the body’s temperature of newborn while moving. 2) Satisfaction form to evaluate of the nurse to moving newborn. Data were analyzes with descriptive analysis. Theresearch result are shown before and after usedClip Jintana to the prevent hypothermia in newborn while moving in 2013 and 2014were 65 : 40 persons have hypothermiaat 2.71% and 1.54%. Comparable results in 2013 and 2014 reducing incidence at 56.82%. Clip Jintana to prevent hypothermia in newborn actualy. The overall satisfaction of the nurse to work moving the newborn 100% is the first. The secondarecomfortablyand performance of application at 95%. And maintaining the cleanliness of Clip Jintana 90% to the final ranking.


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How to Cite

กุณฑีทอง จ. (2019). Jintana clip to prevent hypothermia in newborn while moving. Hua Hin Medical Journal, 1(1), 52–62. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hhsk/article/view/175017



Case report