Knowledge, Attitude, and Antibiotics Use Behaviours of Undergraduate Students, Mahasarakham University


  • Issara Chummalee Faculty of Phamacy, Mahasarakham University
  • Somsak Arpasrithongsakul Faculty of Phamacy, Mahasarakham University


knowledge, attitude, antibiotics use behaviours


Background: Improper use of antibiotics is a leading cause of antibiotic resistance in Thailand.

Objectives: This research aims to study antibiotics use behaviours and the relationship between knowledge, attitude and antibiotics use behavior among undergraduate students, Mahasarakham University.

Methods: Stratified random sampling was used to recruit participants. The participants were 120 undergraduate students, academic year 2020. Data were collecting by a questionnaire that was divided into four parts: (1) demographic data (2) knowledge of antibiotics use (3) attitude of antibiotics use and (4) antibiotics use behavior. All items had IOC values of 1.00. According to the reliability the knowledge part was tested by the Kuder-Richardson method 0.70 and the attitude and behaviours part were used Cronbach’s Alpha (0.75 and 0.86 respectively). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient.

Results: The results revealed that the mean score for antibiotics use behavior was at good level and knowledge and attitude were significantly positively correlated to antibiotics use behavior and statistically significant with the level of p-value < 0.01 (rs =0.436, and 0.480 respectively)

Conclusions: Universities should develop rational antibiotic use learning programs or training courses for improving undergraduate students' knowledge and attitude of rational antibiotic use. Thus, undergraduate students can use antibiotics appropriately and have good health outcomes


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How to Cite

Chummalee I, Arpasrithongsakul S. Knowledge, Attitude, and Antibiotics Use Behaviours of Undergraduate Students, Mahasarakham University. Thai Food and Drug J [internet]. 2021 Oct. 14 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];28(3):87-95. available from:



Research Article