Liver Resection for Benign Liver Tumors at Lampang Hospital : Indications and Outcome : 2 cases report

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Sompone Arwon


Objective : Liver resecton for benign liver tumor is not a commonly performed procedure. The indication for operation
includc symptoms, suspicion of maliganacy, risl of malignant ehange, the tumor causes complication and the tumor
increase in size. 
Patients and methods : Two liver resections for benign tumors were performed by the author from August 2005 to
September 2006. The patients records were reviewed retrospectively.
Results : Liver resection was performed in two female patients ; 1 giant hepatic hemagioma and 1 focal nodular hyperplasia.
The indication for resection in hepatie hemagioma was symptoms of abdominal pain and fullness and the indication for resection
in focal nodular hyperplasia was the toumor increases in size. Postoperatively the patient with hepatic hemangioma had
resolution of symptoms,>
Conclusions. : Liver resection for genign liver tumor is saf, but indications for sugical intervention mus be evaluated carefully.

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How to Cite
Arwon, S. . (2022). Liver Resection for Benign Liver Tumors at Lampang Hospital : Indications and Outcome : 2 cases report. Lampang Medical Journal, 28(2), 167–178. retrieved from
Case Report


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