Metabolic Syndrome in the setting of hypertensive patients in Chiangrai Regional Hospital

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Samroeng Seekaew


The metabolic syndrome was found nearlly thirty percents of hypertensive patients who came to Chiangrai hospital between January 2002 and September 2006, and more frequent in women. Nearly eight percents of them were overweight. The age group which most found were more than fifty years old. Impaired fasting glucose was the common metabolic disorder. Nearly most of these patients had one or two metabolic disorderss according to IDF criteria 2005. And last the patients with metabolic syndrome had more cardiovascular complications than those without one.

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How to Cite
Seekaew, S. . (2022). Metabolic Syndrome in the setting of hypertensive patients in Chiangrai Regional Hospital. Lampang Medical Journal, 28(2), 91–99. Retrieved from
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