Metabolic Syndrome in Type 2 Diabetes

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Chutima Kanchanawong


Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions related to insulin resistance, which increased risk of atherosclerosis and type 2 diabetes. This cross sectional study was conducted on 1171 type 2 diabetes in Lampang Hospital's out patients department using IDF Consensus 2005 and NCEP ATP III criteria for diagnosing metabolic syndrome. The prevalance of metabolic syndrome
was higher when diagnosed with NCEP ATP III criteria whan with IDF criteria ((80.79% vs 54.57% ,p<0.001). The metabolic syndrome was higher in woman for both diagnostic criteria (84.65% vs 72.18%, p<0.001,NCEP ATP III; 61.51% vs 39.12%, p<0.001, IDF). Abdominal obestity was found in 76.36% of women and 40.77% of men, while low HDL cholesterol was found in
68.81% and 47.93% of women and men respectively. The prevalance of hypertriglycerides was 56.19% in women and 58.68% in men. Meanwhile, hypertension was diagnosed in 61.88% of women and 63.09% of men. Higher prevalance of coronary disease was observed for the metabolic syndrome patients (NCEP ATP III,53 out of 56, p=0.005; IDF, 39 out of 56, p0.027). HbA1c was also higher for the metabolic syndrome, which increases risk of coronary artery disease; so comprehensive care was required for these patients to mitigate the risk.

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How to Cite
Kanchanawong, C. . (2022). Metabolic Syndrome in Type 2 Diabetes. Lampang Medical Journal, 28(2), 79–90. Retrieved from
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