Glucose, lipid and blood pressure control in type 2 diabetes

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Chutima Kanchanawong


Diabetes is a chronic dieases and frequently associated with disorders of the eyes, kidney, nerves and atherosclerosis. The risk of these complications are mitigated by broad-based treatment of hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia and hypertension. This cross-sectional study was conducted on 1,856 type 2 diabetes mellitus at Lampang's diabetes clinic to assess the achievement of diabetes management according to the American Diabetes Association recommendation. For glucose control, 47.78% had HbA1c < 7%,and 35.67% had blood pressure<130/80 mmHg while for lipid, 47.78% had triglycerides<150 mg/dl, 46.82% had LDL cholesterol <100 mg/dl, 50.00% of men had HDL cholesterol>40 mg/dl and 36.76% of women had HDL cholesterol>50 mg/dl. Only 9.64% of diabetic patients achieved all of the targets of glucose, blood pressure and LDL, cholesterol, thus indicated that diabetes management required multidisciplinary team of health care providers with broad-based treatment covering all metabolic disorders in diabetes.
Diabetic education should provide to all diabetic patients for self diabetes management that might reduce risk of vascular complications and mortality.

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How to Cite
Kanchanawong, C. . (2022). Glucose, lipid and blood pressure control in type 2 diabetes. Lampang Medical Journal, 28(2), 71–78. retrieved from
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