Surgery of ruinary calculi in Lampang Hospital 2003 - 2004

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Sanicha setchaiyun
Waraporn chumphuseeb
Phaungphaka kumauypaun


Urinary calculi was the largest patient of Sugery department in Lampang hospital. The purpose of this
retrospective study were to study : diagnosis, operation, complication, Lengh Of Stay (LOS), and cost of the
urinary calcuti patients in Urology ward between 2003 - 2004. There were 599 cases. The most diagnosis
was Renal calcuti (51.6%) operation was PCNL (21.9%). The patient had underlying disease 25.5% and the
most was hypertension (25.5%). The Highest cost was PCNL with Nephrectomy with Explor llllaparotomy
(157,599 bath) and the lowest cost was Off Nephrostomy tube (675 bath). The complication were 11.5%
with the most was residual RC / UC (37.3%). The mean differrent of LOS and cost between group wiht and
without complication were 4.1 days and 11,040 baht.

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How to Cite
setchaiyun, S. . ., chumphuseeb, W., & kumauypaun, P. . . (2022). Surgery of ruinary calculi in Lampang Hospital 2003 - 2004. Lampang Medical Journal, 29(2), 107–119. retrieved from
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