The relationship between the presence of vascular complications in the DM patients who taking statin groups

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Chawachai Phongphanat


he research was conducted to study the vascular complications in deabetic patients who
had serum LDL - cholesterol levels higher than goal, according to NCEP ATP III Guideline, The samples
were collected from 664 patients who treated for 2 consecutive years at out - patient DM clinic, Phayao
hospital from January 1st 2006 to December 31st 2007. The study analyzed the relationship between
the presence of vascular complications and taking lipid - lowering statin agents by comparing the DM
patients who taking statin groups at least 2 - year interval and the ones who did not. Oor study demomstrated
the significant reduction of the vaacular complicaltions is statin group.

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How to Cite
Phongphanat, C. . . (2022). The relationship between the presence of vascular complications in the DM patients who taking statin groups. Lampang Medical Journal, 29(2), 96–106. Retrieved from
Original Article


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