Principle of sufficient economy in district hospital : Rongkwang Hospital's experience

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Somsak Soroslikhit
Prapassorn Khonkeaw
uraporn Singhea


A purpose of this study for considererd result of management Rongkwang hospital in sufficient economy. In condition, we
planned conitinous management and chaged the waly to make suitable for consumer, care giver and hospital. The Retrospective
study compared financial liquidity, quality of health care services, contenment of officer in sufficient economie theory both pre -
management and post-management. Result of study indicated that increased avenge of financial liguidty in 80.82%, whic pre -
value 0.99 and post - value 1.80. The decreased expenses included public utinity's value 7.64, investigate material's value 7.64%,
investigate material's value 0.08, supportive medicine's value 28.63. Other material's value 10.42 wihen a quality service of heath
care was remdication rale in 7 day decreased from 2% to 0.01% to 0.01%, readmission rate in 28 day decreased from 3.16% to
3.05%, contentment of OPD consumer rate increade from 84.62% to 95.49%, contentment of IPD consumer rate increased from
87.61% to 100% and contentment of officer rate increased from 74.75% to 75.31%. Conclusion, a result shows that management
on principle theory of sufficient economy in Rongkwang hospital increable financial liquidity by no effect to quality of health care
service and contentment of officer.

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How to Cite
Soroslikhit, S. ., Khonkeaw, . P., & Singhea, uraporn . (2022). Principle of sufficient economy in district hospital : Rongkwang Hospital’s experience. Lampang Medical Journal, 29(1), 67–81. Retrieved from
Original Article


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