Recyclable Waste Bank Management in Lampang Hospital

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Jarun Tabootwong


Background : Growing amount of waste materials has become one of the major problems in Lampang Hospital. To solve this problem, the recyclable waste bank management has been implemented since August 2009.
Objective : To study the management of recyclable waste bank in Lampang Hospital and its affecting factors.
Material and method : A descriptive study was conducted during August 2009 to September 2010. Data of the Lampang Hospital Recyclable Waste Bank were collected from the record form, monthly report and co-operation report, including member’s satisfaction and objection. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics.
Results : According to the hospital director policy, the recycle waste were segregated from the officer’s workplaces or household and brought to the bank for receiving an earning. In fiscal year 2010, the 292,167 kilograms solid waste was produced in Lampang Hospital as 42.3% recycled waste and 40.7% infectious waste. The Recyclable Waste Bank got 536 members from the personals
and business units with 123,716 kilograms of recycled waste and made the deposit balance of 376,571 baht. The top three of recycle wastes were paper (57.0%), glass (19.3%) and plastics (19.2%). Comparing with fiscal year 2009, percentage of recyclable waste increment was average 14.9% every month for recyclable waste and 13.8% reduction for infectious waste. Most of the
members satisfied the opening hours in the weekend and no any complaint from the surrounding communities was found.
Conclusion : The Lampang Hospital Recyclable Waste Bank management was highly effective, classified as KPI level 5 every month. Percentage of recyclable waste increment was over 5%. The affecting factors were the members’ participation to segregate waste from the workplace, awareness of environmental protection, saving natural resources and getting monetary value to
the waste they deposit.

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How to Cite
Tabootwong, . J. . (2022). Recyclable Waste Bank Management in Lampang Hospital. Lampang Medical Journal, 31(3), 89–97. Retrieved from
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