Large Oral Squamous Papilloma : a Case Report

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Worachai Charoensawan


The author reported a 28 year-old Thai woman with oral soft tissue mass incidentally found during annual scaling. The mass was round, cauliflower-like, and originated from the junction between hard and soft palate. Its size was 1.5 x 2 cm and 0.5 cm thick. It could be moved or rotated freely around a small stalk of its base and white-pale pink in color. She had experienced this mass for 18 years without any symptoms or troubles. Total excision was performed and the pathological findings revealed squamous papilloma. At the 3 years of postoperative follow-up, the palate completely healed without any recurrence

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How to Cite
Charoensawan, W. . (2022). Large Oral Squamous Papilloma : a Case Report. Lampang Medical Journal, 32(1), 36–41. retrieved from
Case Report


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