Ruptured Aneurysm of the Left Sinus of Valsalva: a Case Report

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Nuttapon Arayawudhikul
Boonsap Sakboon
Benjamaporn Sripisuttrakul


Aneurysm of the left sinus of Valsalva is extremely rare. Compression of the left coronary artery by such aneurysm is an unusual complication of this condition and may cause coronary insufficiency. We described a case of 38-year-old man, underlying Behcet’s disease, presenting with atypical chest pain and decompensated heart failure. He was diagnosed as isolated ruptured aneurysm of the left coronary sinus with suspect left coronary artery compression. We performed successful surgical correction by closing the mouth of the aneurysm using fresh autologous pericardium without aortic valve replacement or coronary artery bypass grafting. This patient had uneventful recovery and improved NYHA from 4 to 2 within 2 weeks after discharge

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How to Cite
Arayawudhikul, N., Sakboon, B., & Sripisuttrakul, B. (2022). Ruptured Aneurysm of the Left Sinus of Valsalva: a Case Report. Lampang Medical Journal, 34(2), 92–98. retrieved from
Case Report


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