Oral Rehabilitation Using Fixed and Removable Partial Dentures in Loss of Occlusal Vertical Dimension Patient: a Case Report

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Boonlert Ronnakittipisut



                Early loss of posterior teeth affects masticatory efficiency, follows with severely worn of remaining teeth, and loss of occlusal vertical dimension. Consequently, facial esthetic and quality of life are compromised. Diagnosis and treatment plan for severely worn dentition are complex. Irregular occlusal plane and limited interocclusal space lead to difficult prosthetic rehabilitation. This clinical report is a detailed description of treatment sequence and techniques for the patient who presented with loss of the posterior teeth support and severely worn natural dentition. Functional and esthetic rehabilitation was achieved by restoring occlusal vertical dimension, using fixed partial denture on the severely worn teeth, and distal extension removable partial denture in the mandible. The treatment outcome presented an optimal esthetic and function with favorable prognosis during the 5-year followup period.         

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How to Cite
Ronnakittipisut, B. . (2020). Oral Rehabilitation Using Fixed and Removable Partial Dentures in Loss of Occlusal Vertical Dimension Patient: a Case Report. Lampang Medical Journal, 40(2), 80–92. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/LMJ/article/view/226329
Case Report



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