Endodontic Surgery for Chronic Apical Abscess in Root Canal–treated Maxillary Incisor Tooth: a Case Report

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รัชนีพร พันแสง


Endodontic surgery is the method to treat apical periodontitis in previous root canal treatment failure that do not respond to non-surgical root canal retreatment. The author reported a case of 61 year-old woman with chronic apical abscess of right central maxillary incisor tooth after root canal treatment and post crown restoration. The radiograph showed a large periapical lesion. Endodontic surgery was obtained by apicoectomy and retrograde filling
with mineral trioxide aggregate. Two years postoperative follow-up found complete radiographic and clinical healing.

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How to Cite
พันแสง ร. (2015). Endodontic Surgery for Chronic Apical Abscess in Root Canal–treated Maxillary Incisor Tooth: a Case Report. Lampang Medical Journal, 36(1), 26–34. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/LMJ/article/view/186445
Case Report


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