Prevalence and Factors Associated with Depression among Public Health Students, Mae Fah Luang University

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ฐาปกรณ์ เรื่อนใจ
ณัฐวรินทร์ กฤติยาภิชาติกุล
พิลาสินี วงษ์นุช
วิวัฒน์ แก้วดวงเล็ก


Background: Depression is the one of the major mental problems. Information about public depression among public health students is limited.
Objective: To determine the prevalence and factors associated with depression among public health students in Mae Fah Luang University
Material and method: A cross-sectional study was conducted on the first- to fourth-year students of school of public health in 2015 academic year. Self administered questionnaires consisted of general characteristic and Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) Thai version. Data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics and chi-square test.
Results: Among 284 participants; 235 were female and 49 were male. The prevalence of depression evaluated from PHQ-9 was 30%. Of these, 23.6% was classified as mild depression. Moderate and major depression was found in 5.3% and 2.1% respectively. Factors associated with depression were religion (p<0.001), classroom year (p<0.001), underlying diseases (p=0.02) and hometown region (p=0.04).
Conclusion: The prevalence of depression among public health students was relatively high. Appropriate activities, counseling, prevention and treatment should be provided.

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เรื่อนใจ ฐ., กฤติยาภิชาติกุล ณ., วงษ์นุช พ., & แก้วดวงเล็ก ว. (2016). Prevalence and Factors Associated with Depression among Public Health Students, Mae Fah Luang University. Lampang Medical Journal, 37(1), 9–15. Retrieved from
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