Cost-outcome Analysis of Intensified Tuberculosis Case Finding Intervention among High Risk Population at Lampang Hospital

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กวิน วัฒนากูล
ธัญญชนก เกษตรทัต
นันทวัฒน์ จันทร์ชัย
ปราณิศา บุตรโคษา
วิน เตชะเคหะกิจ
กมลพร วงศ์วิวัฒน์
ชนินท์ ประคองยศ


Background: Previous research has pointed out the high incidence of tuberculosis (TB) in the Thai population. Lampang Hospital has implemented an intensified TB case finding intervention for the high-risk population. However, there is, as yet, no information about costs and outcomes of such an intervention.
Objective: To evaluate the cost-outcome analysis of the intensified TB case finding intervention at Lampang Hospital.                                                                            Material and method: Data recorded between October 2017 and April 2018 among 11,021 people at risk of TB were collected from the electronic medical records for retrospective cost-outcome analysis. The at-risk population was divided into seven groups: the elderly, migrant workers, HIV-positive patients, and
those with alcohol abuse, cancer, chronic diseases (COPD, DM, and CKD stage 4-5), and others. Direct medical costs (DMC) consisted of the costs for out-patient visits, laboratory tests and other investigations. Direct non-medical costs (DNMC) comprised the costs of travel, food, and productivity loss. Costs were
approximated from the societal and provider’s perspectives, with base year 2017.
Results: Among the high-risk population, 56.1% was female. The elderly (47.2%) make up the largest proportion of the high-risk patients, followed by the chronic-disease group (33.1%). The number of new TB cases was 35 (317 cases per 100,000 population). Total costs and cost per TB case detected from
the provider’s perspective were 912,071 Baht and 26,059 Baht respectively, while the societal costs were 3,359,746 Baht and 95,993 Baht respectively. DMC accounted for 27.2%, whereas DNMC accounted for 72.8%. Chest radiographs were the highest cost item among the screening processes. The lowest
cost-effectiveness ratio was found in the ‘others’ group, followed by the COPD, the elderly and migrant workers groups, respectively.                                          Conclusion: The major financial burden of a TB screening program weighs down on the client side. Cost-effectiveness in the patients with COPD, the elderly and migrant workers were higher than in the others. There was an extremely high rate of loss to follow-up in almost all steps along the screening
process, which requires further action to resolve this problem.

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How to Cite
วัฒนากูล ก., เกษตรทัต ธ., จันทร์ชัย น., บุตรโคษา ป., เตชะเคหะกิจ ว., วงศ์วิวัฒน์ ก., & ประคองยศ ช. (2019). Cost-outcome Analysis of Intensified Tuberculosis Case Finding Intervention among High Risk Population at Lampang Hospital. Lampang Medical Journal, 39(2), 44–54. retrieved from
Original Article


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