Parental Health Literacy and Behavior to Prevent Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Child Development Center of Charoen Mueang Sub-district, Chiang Rai

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พรพญา เตปิน
วราภรณ์ บุญเชียง
ศิริตรี สุทธจิตต์


Background: Hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD) is a viral infection that is commonly found in young children. If an outbreak occurs, schools might have to be closed which means parents need to take a leave from work to take care of their children at home. Objective: To study the Parental health literacy and behaviors to prevent HFMD in their children.
Materials and methods: A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted among 122 Parents of children in the child development center of Charoen Mueang sub-district, Chiang Rai, from October to November 2017. The questionnaires included general information, health literacy, and behaviors to prevent HFMD in their children. Data were analysed by descriptive statistics and Pearson’s correlation coefficient was calculated to find the relation between health literacy and
prevention behaviors. 
Results: Most of the caregivers were parents (95.9%) with a mean age of 39.1 ± 11.2 years. Three quarters were female, half of them were employees and 40% graduated at primary school level. The average health literacy was in the medium level. Most Parents (45.9%) had prevention behaviors for HFMD at medium level, 40.2% at high level and 13.9% at low level. The health literacy had significantly positive relationship with the prevention behavior (r=0.33, p<0.001). Among
these, positive correlations were found in the information access skills, communication skills and self-management skills (r=0.29, 0.33 and 0.26 respectively). The understanding skills, health decision skills and media literacy had no significant correlation with prevention behaviors (p=0.586, 0.134 and 0.079 respectively.)
Conclusion: The Parents had health literacy and prevention behaviors for HFMD at medium level. Prevention behaviors had a significantly positive relationship with the health literacy especially in the information access, communication and self-management skills.

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How to Cite
เตปิน พ., บุญเชียง ว., & สุทธจิตต์ ศ. (2019). Parental Health Literacy and Behavior to Prevent Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Child Development Center of Charoen Mueang Sub-district, Chiang Rai. Lampang Medical Journal, 39(2), 72–80. Retrieved from
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