Effectiveness and Safety of Knee Massage and Herbal Poultice for Patients with Lom Jab Pong Haeng Khao (Osteoarthritis of the Knee)
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This research studies the effectiveness and safety of the herbal poultice on knee-osteoarthritis patients in public health service facilities. The research is a randomized controlled trial, aiming to inquire about the historical background, clinical assessment, and safety against adverse effects from the massage and knee poultice. Methodologically, 300 volunteers who matched the inclusion criteria were recruited from nine pilot areas in four regions of Thailand. The participants were randomly assigned into two groups: the control group (massage only) and the experimental group (massage and poultice). Both groups had 150 participants, equally. The tools for data collection were the historical background, the knee-osteoarthritis clinical-assessment form WOMAC, and the safety assessment form for adverse effects. The data were statistically analyzed using percentages, mean, standard deviations, and ANOVA tests.
Results : The majority were female patients. mainly 60-69 years old, with a weight of 51-70 kg and a BMI of 25-29.9 kg/m2. The osteoarthritis symptoms of the patients (identified by X-rays film) were majorly in stages 2-3. The clinical assessment of the osteoarthritis symptom (before and after the intervention) was done for five repeats. The experimental group receiving massage and poultice treatment had significantly less pain, stiffness, and better knee function (P < 0.05). The clinical assessment of the osteoarthritis stage (stages 0-4) revealed that participants in the experimental group of every stage had milder symptoms after receiving herbal poultice. In addition, the mild-symptom (stages 0-2) had a decrease in the average score of pain and stiffness ang had higher knee function scores than stages 3-4. After completing five repeats of the treatment, the statistical analysis significantly in the experimental group compared to the control group (P<0.05). The both groups were safe and no Adverse Drug Event (ADE)
Sugestion, this research project should propose to the National Health Security Office that “Pok Khao” is Thai traditional operation and will be information for determining the benefits package of patient who have knee osteoarthritis. The DTAM should develop the herbal poultice treatment for instant product to be used as a self-care eg herbal patch,spray,gel
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