Chemical Quality of Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino Thai and Chinese Cultivars Cultivated in Thailand

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Warunee Jirawattanapong


Panchakhan or Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino (Cucurbitaceae) is of interest as a potential crude drug. It possesses various activities, such as anti-tumor, anti-lipemic, anti-inflammatory and inhibiting nitric oxide synthesis; G. pentaphyllum is cultivated for commercial purposes in Thailand from native or Thai and Chinese cultivars. Since both cultivars contain similar active constituents, dammarane-type saponins, called gypenosides to distinguish one from the other, the chemical aspects of G. pentaphyllum between Thai and Chinese cultivars purchased from northern and northeastern regions of Thailand were examined. It was found that they had similar color reaction and froth test, but the TLC fingerprints were different. In addition, the other characteristic properties of both cultivars were also similar.

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Warunee Jirawattanapong



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