Specification of Chan Daeng (Heartwood of Pterocarpus santalinus L.f.)

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Supaporn Phonchan
Sawanee Sathornviriyapong
Nuntana Sittichai
Chayan Picheansoonthon


Although Chan Daeng (heartwood of Pterocarpus santalinus L. f.) is a crude drug frequently used as an ingredient in Thai traditional herbal recipes for antipyretic, antinociceptive and cardiotonic, its pharmacopoeial standard has not yet been established for the Thai Herbal Pharmacopoeia. Therefore, this study was aimed at establishing the specification of Chan Daeng. Microscopically, the crude drug showed characteristic
scattered solitary vessel cells of diffuse porous wood, paratracheal xylem parenchyma, and uniseriate homocellular xylem ray. Phytochemical screening of its ethanolic extract indicated the presence of terpenoid compounds. Physico-chemical specifications, i.e. foreign matter, moisture content, total ash, and acid-insoluble contents of Chan Daeng were proposed as being not more than 0.002, 8.0, 1.0 and 0.02 percent w/w, respectively, while ethanol-soluble extractive and water-soluble extractive were set as not less than 12.0 and 1.5 percent w/w, respectively. These results will be useful for the quality control of Chan Daeng, including herbal remedies composed of Chan Daeng.

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