Thai Practice of Traditional Throat Painting in Sick Children

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Mala Soisamrong
Kusuma Sriyakuk
Jirachaya Pramol
Bussaraporn Thanasilungkoon
Kantamara Sittikripong
Jiraporn Boonmak


The present study was a descriptive one on the use of traditional throat paint by three traditional healers in Bangkok for the treatment and relief of diseases and symptoms commonly found in children. The objectives of the study were to obtain information on the healers’ knowledge and beliefes, the procedure for the application of the paint, traditional recipes for the paints used, as well as factors affecting their existence as the healers specialized in the administration of throat paint for children. The study was conducted by interviewing
and observing the practice of three healers in the Bangkok area, and interviewing the children’s guardians and experienced traditional medical practitioners. It was found that all three traditional healers gained their knowledge of traditional medicine from their ancestors and had more than 20 years of experience in treating children with traditional throat paint. The healers believe that diseases in children, the so-called “sang,” are caused by germs. Young patients with “sang” are treated with traditional throat paint and some traditional
medicines prescribed for use at home. The healers use their index finger or little finger to apply the paint on the base of the patient’s tongue once a day. A liquid vehicle is usually used for preparing the paint. The recipes of two healers were inherited only within their family while the third healer used a well-known traditional household remedy. The cost for the treatment ranged from 10 to 29 baht per visit. An additional 5 baht was charged by one healer if a holy thread is tied to a child’s wrist to boost his or her spirit. The guardians who
took the children to the healers previously had received throat paint application and were satisfied with the treatment. In addition, two of healers had more than 100 patients per day, while the other had only about 2-10 patients. Factors affecting the existence of the healers are the faith that the patients continuously have in the healers, inexpensive service charges, as well as their long-lasting fame. The healers not only treat diseases in children but also diseases in other age groups. The application of traditional throat paint is a method of
administration of traditional medicine in children that may be regarded as another that is characteristic of Thailand. The study of and greater understanding related to the use of traditional throat paint, its revival, and promotion for use in primary health care are expected to help relieve common health problems in the country into the future.

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