Specifications of Sakhan

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Pakamon Thanatakitti
Sauwani Sathornwiriyapong
Kornwipa Charupan
Chinda Wangboonsakul
Chayan Pichaeansoonthon


“Sakhan” is the climbing stem of Piper aff. pendulispicum C.DC. It is a crude drug that has been used in Thai traditional medicine since ancient times. The aim of this research is to set up the specifications for the crude drug “Sakhan.” The distinct microscopic characteristics of Sakhan are the anomalous arrangement of the vascular tissues: two layers of vascular tissues alternate with the layer of parenchyma tissues. The large lenticel composed of many layers of cork cells and large crack of air space. The mucilage canals were found in
the pith and in parenchymatous layer. Powdered drug study found parenchyma cells with starch granules inside, various shapes of thick-walled sclereid, pitted vessels and elongated pitted vessels, and lignified walled fibers. The thin-layer chromatogram of 95% ethanolic extract of Sakhan showed 18 spots due to its major constituents. The hRf values of piperine spot ranged from 58 to 70. Twelve samples of Sakhan were used for the study of physico-chemical specifications. The limits for foreign matter, moisture, total ash, and acidinsoluble
content of Sakhan were proposed as being not more than 0.39, 7.89, 0.47 and 0.03%w/w, respectively, whereas the limits for ethanol-soluble extractive and water-soluble extractive were set as being not less than 5.99 and 23.20%w/w, respectively.

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