Chronic Toxicity of GPO 1986 Herbal Extract

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Songpol Chivapat
Aimmanas Attawish
Pranee Chavalittumrong
Vanida Chantarateptawan


GPO 1986 is a mixture of eight herbal extracts from Canna indica L., Polyagala chinensis L., Clinacanthus nutans Lindau, Ammania baccifera L., Acanthus ebracteatus Vahl, Mallotus Philippensis Muell. Arg., Smilax corbularia Kunthr, and Pygmaeopremma herbacea (Roxb.) Mold. This recipe is used by the Government Pharmaceutical Organization in a clinical trial on mammary cancer. Chronic toxicity of GPO 1986 was conducted in 168 Wistar rats randomly divided into 7 groups of 24 rats each (12 males and 12 females ). Group 1 was a control group receiving distilled water and groups 2 to 4 were orally administered with GPO 1986 at doses of 0.24, 1.2, 3.6 g/kg/day, respectively, for 6 months. Group 5 was the recovery group receiving GPO 1986 at the dose of 3.6 g/kg/day for 6 months; after that, the animals were further raised without GPO 1986 for 2 weeks before autopsy. Group 6 was the control group receiving distilled water. Group 7 was orally administered GPO 1986 at the dose of 3.6 g/kg/day for 9 months. The results showed that GPO 1986 did not affect body weights and animal health. Male rats receiving GPO 1986 at doses of 1.2 and 3.6 g/kg/day for 6 months and male rats receiving GPO 1986 for 9 months showed significant decreases of hematocrit, hemoglobin and red blood cells. Female rats receiving GPO 1986 for nine months had a significant reduction in platelet counts (p<0.05). However, these hematological changes were within the rat reference values. Male rats receiving
GPO 1986 for nine months had a significant increase in AST level (p<0.05), whereas the potassium level was significantly decreased (p<0.05). Histopathological results of visceral organs in the six-month and the ninemonth treatment groups did not show any alterations caused by GPO 1986. In conclusion, GPO 1986 did not produce chronic toxicity in Wistar rats.

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