Globalization and AEC in the Context of Local Traditional Healers: A Qualitative Study of Realities in Surin Province

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Chutchawal Choowa
Luechai Sringernyuang
Nahtani Meemon
Thammarat Marohabutr


The aim and mission of the conducted study is to grasp the phenomenon regarding the folk healers in Surin province, the massage practitioners, as well as the NGO staffs in which includes their awareness in preparation for the impact of AEC and the movement of globalization.  This is a well-made qualitative research conducted under the approaches of in-depth interviews, auto-ethnography, and focus group discussions. The informants are the folk healers, traditional Thai massage, and NGO staffs. The results revealed that the realities of AEC and globalization are distinctive. NGO staffs cooperated and provided beneficial facts than those of folk healers, while the traditional Thai massagers, and seem to have no interest in the topic. Folk healers and NGO staffs realize that the key mission in preparation for the approach of AEC is to remind the people of their own roots as the individuals within the community, in which being localized and self-sufficient is preferred. This is a key for viability and a factor in which will mark the existence of traditional healers.

Therefore, it is recommended that the traditional medical doctors would share and relay the knowledge of traditional, local wisdom and knowledge development from local ideology to manage and utilize the sustainable resources.

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