Experience of Professional Nurses in Managing Behavioral Problems Among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Experience of Professional Nurses, Behavioral Problems, Children With ASD, Qualitative ResearchAbstract
The present study was aimed at describing experiences of professional nurses in managing behavioral problems among children with autism spectrum disorder using a qualitative hermeneutic phenomenology research methodology. Key informants were composed of 11 professional nurses with experience in caring and managing behavioral problems among children with ASD in addition to having work experience of ten years and up. The subjects were selected by purposeful sampling. Data were collected using interview guideline with in-depth interview and audio record. The data obtained were transcribed verbatim. The thematic analysis was performed based on van Manen’s method.
The results of the research revealed that the experiences of professional nurses in managing behavioral problems were found to include the following four main issues: 1) Modifying problematic behaviors into preferred behaviors among children with ASD, 2) Developing of competence and good characteristics of professional nurses, 3) Managing of health service system, and 4) Promoting understanding and ability of parent and teacher in managing behavioral problems among children with ASD.
In conclusion, the research results reflected the principle, feelings and experiences of professional nurses in care management for children with ASD having behavioral problems. Furthermore, this can be applied as a guideline to provide more quality assistance to children with ASD and their families.
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