Triple-Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC)
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Background Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) (estrogen receptor-negative, progesterone
receptor-negative, and HER2-negative) is a high risk breast cancer due to its aggressive behavior
and nature of high recurrence.
Objective To determine the risk factor for recurrence and to determine the clinical features
in patients with TNBC.
Material and Methods The retrospective data from Songklanagarind Hospital was conducted
between September 1st, 2006, and August 31st, 2009, and identified patients with TNBC. The
study then characterized this specific subgroup of breast cancer according to risk factors: age,
family history, clinical manifestations, detection methods, tumor size, tumor grading, lymph
node status, extensive intraductal component (EIC), lymphovascular invasion (LVI), resection
margin and systemic therapy, to estimate the recurrence of TNBC.
Results 98.75% of our eighty (80) patients diagnosed with TNBC (mean age 50.9 years with an age
range between 28-79 years old), presented breast masses – of which 64% had grade 3 tumors. Of
those grade 3 tumors, 73.7% were more than 2 centimeters in size. Further, 30% had an invasive
intraductal component, 56.25% were nodal status positive and 38.75% had lymphovascular
invasion. The presence of lymphovascular invasion showed a significant statistical factor in the
recurrence of TNBC patients (an odds ratio of 4.17, 95% CI : 1.5183 - 11.4343, p = 0.0056).
Conclusions The present study shows the status of lymphovascular invasion as the significant
risk factor for recurrence of TNBC in patients.
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