About the Journal

The journal aims to facilitate the exchange of knowledge by serving as a medium for the dissemination of research studies and research findings in the fields of public health nursing, public health, and nursing. Additionally, it fosters scholarly discussion that enhance the connections among nursing profession. 

ISSN: 3057-014x (Print)

ISSN: 3057-0158 (Online)

Current Issue

Vol. 38 No. 3 (2024): September - December
					View Vol. 38 No. 3 (2024): September - December
Published: 2024-12-30

Full Issue

Research Articles

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Journal of Public Health Nursing Editorial Board, we welcome submission of articles and research reports from all individuals who are members of the Journal of Public Health Nursing including academics and researchers who are interested to publish and disseminate academic work in the Journal of Public Health Nursing. Current journal’s quality status is at the level of journals group 2 (Tier 2), that have been certified by TCI (Thai Citation Index) and are included the TCI database which designed for the purpose of searching research and academic works, as well as providing citation information for publications that have been published in academic journals. Thailand's national management practices, including book format and citation style, are align with international standards. The journal utilizes a Double-blind peer review procedure, in which an expert assesses an article without knowing of the author's identity. Three reviewers evaluated the issue and offered recommendations. We are currently in the process of preparing our journal for inclusion in the ACI database (ASEAN Citation Index). Journal of Public Health has been granted permission by doctorate Jubilee Project (C.P.O.) to publish doctorate students' original dissertations, which may be included in a request for graduation upon publication of one piece of work in an international journal. It is imperative that we consistently improve the quality of journal.

The editorial board has the authority to assess, modify manuscripts, and decision the work to be published. To facilitate the publication process, it is advisable to write and structure the paper as follows:


Type of article to be published

  1. Academic articles/ original research in nursing, public health nursing or community health nurse fields.
  2. Report on research in the field of public health nursing, public health, and nursing. Academic works encompass a wide range of topics including teaching, learning, public policy development, case studies, and works that positively impact society. According to an announcement from the Office of the Higher Education Commission, the article must adhere to the specified format in each category in order to fulfill the requisite quality standards.
  3. Review articles derived from alternative sources, including books and documents, as well as academic conferences at both national and international levels to disseminate and revitalize scholarly endeavours.
  4. Article, comments or suggestions that are beneficial in the context of academic matters, translation matters, and academic news as well as research Summary or intriguing findings
  5. Discussion focuses on continuous development and activities occurring in the field of public health nursing.

The article to be published must meet the required criteria. The article has not been previously published or is not presently under consideration for publication in another journal. The editorial team will distribute the published journal to both institutional and individual members after accepting the manuscript for publication. Authors can retrieve published articles by accessing the following link: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/phn


Guidelines for writing and organizing original articles and research papers

Original print on one side using A4-sized paper. The document should not exceed a total of 12 pages, which includes the title, Thai/English abstract, and reference documents.

Preparation of the manuscript: The original document should include margins. A one-inch measurement on a single side of the A4 paper.  The correct format and style can be found on the following website: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/phn

Thai letters use the TH Sarabun PSK font, and the gap between lines is double space. The title font size is 17, bold. The author's and co-author's first and last names are written in bold font size 15, bold. The responsibility for this research and affiliation are in font size 12, normal.  The font size used in the content is 14, normal.English letters must be written in abstract, table, and reference formats, Thai letters use the TH Sarabun PSK font, and the gap between lines is double space. The title font size is 17 and bold. The author's and co-author's first and last names are written in bold font size 15, bold. The responsibility for this research and affiliation are in font size 12, normal.  The font size used in the content is 14, normal. On each page, include a number in front of the line.

Submit the manuscript to the journal's system via the website https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/phn or by sending an email to journal.thaiphn@gmail.com, or alternatively, send it directly to the editorial committee.

The research/article submission form and certifications must be submitted to the journal in the following format.

  1. The title must be written in both the Thai and English languages.
  2. The author's name and last name must be written in both Thai and English under the title, offset to the right, followed by their affiliation in both languages. The corresponding author's contact information, should be provided in a footnote.
  3. Abstracts must be written in Thai and English, in a consistent order. The abstract should not exceed one page (A4 size), including the title. Approximately 250 words in Thai and 200 in English. Abstract consists of three parts:

Part 1: Significant of research problem, research objectives. conceptual framework/theory, research design, study location, population and sample characteristics, sample size, recruitment process, research tools and quality, ethical approval, Summary of data collection procedures, participant protection, and data analysis.

Part 2: Clear and consistent study results and recommendations that align with key findings and future implementation.

Part 3: Write the "Keywords" of this research in both Thai and English (3-5 words).

  1.  Content of research includes the following topics:
  • Background and significance of the research problem.

  • Research objectives/questions/hypothesis.

  • Conceptual Framework used for the research

  • Research Methodology-written as an essay, divided into three parts as follows:

Part1: Research Design and objectives. Population and Sample Characteristics. Sample size and recruitment procedures.

Part 2: Research tools and quality. How many components are present in the research tools? A summary of each instrument component's properties, as well as guidelines for interpreting the data. Checking quality for validity and confidence. (Reliability). Determine content validity index (if applicable) and reliability values, including formulas used and number of results obtained, in case of qualitative research

Part 3: Data collection process: How do you gather data?  How much did you get back? What's the percentage? Which software and statistics are used for data analysis?

  • Research results (tables or charts or graph report in English) Discuss the finding and provide summary of the research's strengths and weaknesses. For example

This study has strengths. These include effective experimental design and implementation strategies. The experiment is clear and consistent with the responsibilities of program participants who are employed. Furthermore, the program content is designed in accordance with the findings of a review of relevant literature and has a solid theoretical foundation. The research community recognizes the necessity of reducing chemical exposure. Equipment for preventing chemical exposure during studies, such as standardized chemical respirators, is easily accessible.     

This research has weakness. This is due to the limited time frame of the research investigation. As a result, not enough testing is done. Biological indicators (biomarker tests) can determine the actual level of chemical exposure. And this study measures behaviour based on the sample's perceptions using only a questionnaire. To assess the results, the researcher did not measure or observe the sample farmers' actual pesticide protection behaviours.

            Summary: Pesticide exposure reduction program is beneficial for farmers who participate in a program. After a one-month follow-up, participants' knowledge, self-efficacy, expectancy of good consequences, and self-protective behaviour against pesticides increased significantly compared to pre-experiment levels. Furthermore, this rise was detected not only immediately after the trial, but also during the follow-up period, above the levels reported in the control group.

  •  Limit data analysis to 3 tables in English.  
  • Recommendations for implementing research findings should be consistent with the primary finding.
  • Recommendations for future study to enhance or develop knowledge
  • Indicate the scholarship in the acknowledgments section. If the author has not been received, please be informed that the author has not been received.
  • Use the Vancouver style to provide citations for English reference documents. Validate the accuracy and completeness of citations. It is advisable to utilize reference management software e.g., Endnote.

            The Office of the Higher Education Commission has declared that academic or research publications would undergo a systematic evaluation to determine their quality based on standards, accuracy, reliability, and overall quality.

            Please be informed that the editorial working group will provide you with updates on the article's progress, production process, and evaluation of the article is an anonymous system. Following assessment, the author will receive documented evidence. The main responsible author is required to address the issue with accuracy and comprehensive based on reviewer's evaluations, recommendations have been made. Please return the revised manuscript as soon as possible for evaluation by the editorial team before sending it to the publisher. The author should be contacted again for a review and correction if revisions are required.

Citation examples

Journal article

  • 1 author

Sakornpanich C. Factors Associated with Non-Smoking High School Male Students’ Intention to Smoke Khaosaming school, Trad Province. Journal of Prapokklao Hospital Clinical Medical Education Center 2011; 28: 44-52. (in Thai)

  • 2 authors

Wilaiwan W, Siriwong W. Assessment of health effects related to organophosphate pesticides exposure using blood cholinesterase activity as a biomarker in agricultural area at Nakhon Nayok Province, Thailand. J Health Res 2014; 28(1): 23-30. (in Thai)

  • 6 authors

Lin E H, Katon W, Von Korff M, Rutter C, Simon G. E, Oliver, et al. Relationship of depression and diabetes self-care, medication adherence, and preventive care. Journal of Diabetes Care 2004; 27 (9): 2154-60.


  • 1 author

Pichayapinyo. Nursing theory and application: individual, family, and community. Bangkok: Danex inter co-operation; 2013.

  • 4 authors

Berman AH, Bergman H, Palmstierna T, Schlyter F. Drug Use Disorder Identification Test. Karollinska Institutet, Stockholm; Sweden; 2002.


Thepthien B, Srivanichakorn S, Chucharoen P.The Behavioral Surveillance Survey of 10 Target Groups in Bangkok. Nakhon Pathom: ASEAN Institute for Health Development Mahidol University; 2013. (in Thai)

Chapter in the book

Areekul W, Hongsaguansri S, Tripathi S, Manaboriboon B, Areemit  R, Prasertwit J et al. Practical points in Adolescent Health Care. Bangkok: APLUS Printing; 2012. p.20. (in Thai)

Agency publication

World Health Organization. Ecosystems and human well-being: Health synthesis. A report of the millennium ecosystem assessment. Geneva, WHO; 2005.

Conference proceedings

Puntang P. Factors Influencing Intention to Prevent Sexual Risk Behaviors of Female Secondary School Students under the Department of General Education, the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2 in Chonburi Province. Proceedings of Research Conference; 2014 May 14-16; Chonburi, Thailand. Bangkok: triple Education; 2014. p.154-68. (in Thai)



Panjai P. Food sanitation situation and influencing factors in Phitsanulok municipality. [M.Sc. Thesis in Environmental Sanitation]. Bangkok: Faculty of Graduate studies, Mahidol University; 2014.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Adolescent and School Health [Internet]. 2015 [cited 2016 January 10]. Available from:  http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/data/yrbs/index.htm.


Cramm NT. A Device to simplify the conversion of bibliographic information into citation format. U.S. Patent no. 7 005 423. September 13; 2005.

 General Article and Reviews

  1. The length of general article and reviews should be between 5-10 pages.
  2. Follow the style and format of research article.

The Fees associated with submitting manuscripts for publication according to the latest announcement The information is as follows.

  1. Submitting an application to publish an article.
  • Membership of Journal of Public Health Nursing, the fees for publication is 4,000 baht.
  • For the general public, the fees for publication is 5,000 baht.


Note: This implies for individuals who as are members of the Journal of Public Health Nursing for a minimum duration of 6 months.

 **The fees are primarily incurred for the publishing of the Journal of Public Health Nursing. Starting from January 1, 2024, the occurrences will be documented from year 38, issue 1, 2024 onwards.


Contact the Journal of Public Health Nursing editor.

Thai Public Health Nurses Association 

420/1 Ratchawithi Road, Ratchathewi District, Bangkok 10400

Please include the address, zip code, phone number, and email that convenient for contacting you back. 

**Note: Modifications could be necessary to make it suitable for publication.

You can send inquiries to journal.thaiphn@gmail.com Tel: 095 7013182