Positive Aspects of Caregivers Caring for Older Adults with Dependency and Its Associated Factors
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This predictive correlational study aimed to investigate the positive aspect and its predicting factors among caregivers of older adults with dependency. The participants were 114 caregivers of older adults with dependency in Saraburi province who were recruited based on multi-stage cluster sampling. Data was collected by using 1) the demographic data questionnaire, 2) relationships between caregiver and older adult questionnaire, 3) perceived self-efficacy questionnaire, 4) social support questionnaire, 5) perceived caregiving burden questionnaire, and 6) positive aspect of caregiving questionnaire. The questionnaires no. 2 - 6 yielded Cronbach’s alpha of 0.86, 0.92, 0.89, 0.88 and 0.94 respectively. Descriptive statistics, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, and stepwise multiple regression were employed to analyze the data.
The results revealed that caregivers of older adults with dependency have high levels of positive aspect (Mean = 4.40, SD = 0.45). Stepwise multiple regression analysis demonstrated that social support, perceived self-efficacy, relationships between caregiver and older adult, and perceived caregiving burden together could explain 82.60% of the variance in positive aspect among caregivers of older adults with dependency (R2 = .826, F = 129.289, p < .001). The most significant predicting factor was social support (b = .416, p < .01), followed by perceived self-efficacy (b = .255, p < .001), relationships between caregiver and older adult (b = .172, p < .01), and perceived caregiving burden (b = -.170, p < .05).
The results from this study provide useful information for relevant healthcare providers to create activities aimed at promoting positive aspect among caregivers of older adults with dependency by enhancing their social support, perceived self-efficacy, relationships between caregiver and older adult, and reduce the perceived burden.
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