The Effect of Self-management with Family Participation Program on Psychotic Symptoms with Chronic Schizophrenia Patients
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This quasi-experimental research aimed to examine the effect of self-management with family participation program on psychotic symptoms with chronic schizophrenia patients. Seventy patients with schizophrenia who were treated at the outpatient department with their caregivers were equally randomized-divided into either the experimental and usual care groups. The experimental group received 7 sessions the self-management with family participation program while the control group of 35 people received usual nursing care, which is an activity that nurses and health team personnel provides services for schizophrenic patients and their families in outpatient departments including giving advice on drug use and drug side effects, schizophrenia education and symptomatic counseling of the patient. Research tools consisted of two parts: (1) the self-management with family participation program, questionnaires consisted of general characteristics, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) and (2) the symptoms management assessment tool (SMST). The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics by comparing mean of psychotic symptom between pre and post in experimental group by using pair samples t-test, and between the experimental and usual care by using independent samples t-test. The results showed that mean score of psychotic symptoms of experimental group after receiving intervention was significantly statistically lower than before (t = 4.87, df = 32, p < .001) and mean score of psychotic symptoms of experimental group after receiving intervention was significantly statistically lower than those receiving usual care (t = -5.98, df = 51.68, p < .001). The findings of this study indicated that self-management with family participation program could decrease psychotic symptoms in schizophrenia patients. Therefore, this program can be implemented within nursing practice in order to decrease psychotic symptoms.
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