The Effect of an Aggressive Behavior Management Program in Children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
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The purposes of this quasi-experimental research using the pretest-posttest design were: 1) to compare an aggressive behaviors of children with ADHD before and after using aggressive behavior management program, and 2) to compare aggressive behavior of children with ADHD using aggressive behavior management program and those who received regular caring activities. Forty of children with ADHD receiving services, who met the inclusion criteria, were matched pair and then randomly assigned to experimental group and control group, 20 subjects in each group. The experimental group received aggressive behavior management program for 4 weeks. While the control group received regular nursing care. Research instruments were: 1) personal data questionnaire 2) aggressive behaviors assessment scale 3) a manual of aggressive behavior management program for nurses 4) a nurses teaching manual for parents on aggressive behavior management program for caregivers 5) A home checklist on the aggressive behavior management program for caregivers. All instruments were content validated by a panel of 5 professional experts. The reliability of the aggressive behavior scale was 0.88. The t-test was used in data analysis.
The findings were as follows:
- An aggressive behaviors of children with ADHD after receiving aggressive behavior management program were significantly less than those before receiving the program at the .05 level.
2. An aggressive behaviors of children with ADHD who receiving aggressive behavior management program were significantly less than those who received regular nursing care, at the .05 level.
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