The Effect of Competency Development to Prevent Breast Cancer and Telephone Follow-Up Program on Breast Cancer Prevention Behavior in Female Personnel of Chulalongkorn University
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This quasi-experimental design was aimed to study the effect of competencies development to prevent breast cancer and telephone follow-up program on breast cancer prevention behavior in female personal of Chulalongkorn University. The samples were selected by simple random sampling from the female personal of many faculties from Chulalongkorn University and divided into 15 each of experimental and control group. The inclusion criteria were 1) aged 20 - 59 years 2) no history of breast cancer 3) agree to participate in the research and 4) having the telephone number which the researcher could contact through 3 months. The research measurements were 1) demographic data 2) the preventive breast cancer behaviors. Descriptive statistic, Mann-Whitney U test and Wilcoxon signed-rank test were used for data analysis.
The results
1. There were different between scores of the preventive breast cancer behaviors in the female personal faculties from Chulalongkorn University before and after receiving the program of competencies development to prevent breast cancer and telephone follow-up and control group.
2. There was significant difference between the experimental group receiving the program of competencies development to prevent breast cancer and telephone follow-up and control group receiving the program of competencies development to prevent breast cancer without telephone follow-up
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