The Study of Health Status and Health Behaviors of People in Baan Aur-Arthorn Community Bangkhen (Klong Thanon)

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Wallapha Undara


The purposes of this research were to survey the health status and health behaviors of people living in Baan Aur-arthorn community. The samples were 98 people in Baan Aur-arthorn Bangkhen community (Klong thanon), selected by purposive sampling method. Instrument were body weight scale, digital sphygmomanometer, mental health questionnaires and a set of questionnaires comprising general information, health status, and health behavior, questionnaire developed by the researchers, based on literature review, being assessed in terms of content validity by three experts with the content validity index (CVI) of 0.87. Questionnaires on health behaviors and mental health with the reliability of 0.86, and 0.74, respectively. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and Chi-square.
Major findings were as follows:
1) In accordance with the basic physical examination, 33.67 percent had BMI 25.00 - 29.99 indicating obesity level 1. In term of blood pressure, 61.22% had high blood pressure level (blood pressure more than 130 - 139/80 - 89 mmHg). Assessing the mental health, the results showed that the majority of the subjects had good mental health 48.99%. However, there were only 22.44% who had mental health status lower than average.
2) Regarding the health behaviors, most of the subjects had a fair level of overall health behaviors 59.18%
3) The overall health behaviors had statistical significant relationship with BMI, blood pressure and mental health with medium relationship (Cramer’s V coefficient = 0.67, 0.69 and 0.56) respectively. (p < .01)
These findings indicate that the health education program should be arranged for the people in community to raise their awareness and change their health behaviors to promoting better heath; for instance, exercising, and reduce smoking or drinking alcohol.

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Research Article


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