The Development of Essential Profession Competency Model for Future Nursing Under The Jurisdiction of The Naval Medical Department
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This research aimed to 1) study competency and profession competency model for nursing at the present time 2) development of the essential profession competency model for future nursing of the naval medical department and 3) evaluate needs of development of the essential profession competency model for future nursing of the naval medical department. The subjects were 365 members under The Jurisdiction of The Naval Medical Department. The research instruments were 1) expert interview form about the competency and essential profession competency model for nursing of the naval medical department 2) expert questionnaire form for the essential profession competency model for future nursing of the naval medical department was designed 112 indicators of rating scales. The index of item – objective congruence of questionnaire was 1.00 and 3) 112 indicators of rating scales questionnaire was designed to evaluate needs in the present times of the essential profession competency for future nursing of the naval medical department. The reliability of questionnaire was 0.97. The response rate was 100%. The data was analysed for median, interquartile range, mean, standard deviation, and needs assessments by using Modified Priority Needs Index (PNI modified)
The results of this thesis were as follow 1) The study competency and profession competency model for nursing at the present time which defined by nursing agencies consisted of 11 competencies (186 indicators). 2) The development of the essential profession competency model for future nursing of the naval medical department consisted of 9 competencies (112 indicators) which were indicators of knowledge attributes and skill. 3) The analyzing of modified priority needs index (PNI modified) overview in 9 competencies equal 0.31. For the essential profession competency model for future nursing of the naval medical department must be improved from PNI modified index.
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