วิทยาลัยพยาบาลกองทัพเรือ : การเดินทางสู่การเป็นองค์กรแห่งนวัตกรรม

Main Article Content

สินีนุช ศิริวงศ์


Thailand 4.0 is one of the trends that every organization needs to focus, including
the Nursing Institution which is driven by new knowledge and innovations. Therefore, innovative
organizations are increasingly important. The Royal Thai Navy College of Nursing (RTNCN)
needs to change concepts and management style, and to develop a new nursing curriculum
according to the diversity in teaching and learning of nursing students’ 21st century skills,
switching from focusing on content and knowledge to promoting learning experiences, learning
skills such as creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem solving, communication,
collaboration, including information and media literacy. The processes of innovative organization
start form determining the direction, objectives, goals and strategies. Clear strategies can
develop the organization to innovative organization. The administrator of RTNCN promotes
the innovative culture within 4 Ds: dare to think, dare to do, dare to lead and dare to change.
It also emphasizes on creating an atmosphere and environment of RTNCN that facilitates the
process of creativity by establishing an innovation center and learning center for colleges
and communities. Finally, RTNCN is a learning organization to achieve lifelong learning for
sustainable development.

Article Details

Academic Article


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