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นันท์พัสพร สุขสานต์
จิราพร เกศพิชญวัฒนา


The purpose of this quasi-experimental research with the pretest-posttest control
group design was to study the effects of promotion self-regulation program on eating behaviors
and waist circumference in the older patients with obese diabetes. The promotion self-regulation
theory was applied to the development of the intervention. The sample consisted of 44 older
patients with obese diabetes aged 60 years who diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus,
and had BMI of 25 kg/m2. The patients sought treatment at Somdejpranangchaosirikit
Hospital, Chonburi and were purposively selected. The first 22 subjects were assigned to
the control group and the remaining 22 subjects were assigned to the experimental group.
The participants were paired-match by gender, age and Body Mass Index. The experimental
group received the promotion self-regulation program and the control group received routine
care only. The instruments employed in the study included the “Promotion self-regulation on
Eating Behaviors and Program”. Data were collected by using the “Eating Behaviors in the
Older Patients with Obese Diabetes Questionnaire” which had been tested for content validity
by a panel of five qualified experts. Content validity was 0.92 and an acceptable reliability
obtained at 0.85. Data were analyzed using descriptive and t-test statistics. The research findings
can be summarized as follows:
1. After receiving the promotion self-regulation program, the mean eating behaviors
score of the older patients with obese diabetes in the experiment group was significantly
higher than pretest score before receiving the program. Furthermore, the mean score for the
experimental group was higher than that of the control group that received routine care only
with statistical significance at .05.
2. After receiving the promotion self-regulation program, the mean waist circumference
of the older patients with obese diabetes in the experiment group was significantly less than
the score before receiving the program. Furthermore, the waist circumference of the experimental
group was less than that the control group that received routine service only with statistical
significance at .05.

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Research Article


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