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ณัฐนันท์ คำพิริยะพงศ์
ศิริพันธุ์ สาสัตย์


The purpose of this quasi-experimental research was to study the effect of health
belief programme on medicine use behavior in older persons with hypertension. Forty older
persons with hypertention admitted medication ward, the Thammasat university hospital. The
participants were assigned to the experimental and control groups (20 for each group). The
control group received a usual care while the experimental group received an intervention
regard to health belief programme, using the health belief of action influence health behaviors
according to the health belief model. The programme was conducted for 5 weeks. The
questionnaires consisted of demographic information, perceived health questionnaires, and
medicine use behavior questionnaires. The reliabilities of the perceived health questionnaires
and medicine use behavior questionnaires were 0.81 and 0.74, respectively. Percent, mean,
standard deviation, and independent t-test were used to analyze data. The results revealed
1. The mean of medicine use behavior score, after participating in the health belief
programme, was significantly higher than that before participating in the programme at the
statistical level of .05
2. The mean of medicine use behavior score, after participating in the health belief
programme in the experiment group, was significantly higher than the control group participating
in the programme at the statistical level of .05

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Research Article


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