การประเมินหลักสูตรพยาบาลศาสตรบัณฑิต (หลักสูตรปรับปรุง พ.ศ. 2551) วิทยาลัยพยาบาลกองทัพเรือ

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วัชราพร เชยสุวรรณ
คณาลักษณ์ ดลเสมอ
นุสรา ขวัญไสวธรรม
สมใจ ศุภนาม
ขวัญตา พลับทอง
วนาลักษณ์ พันธ์งาม


The purpose of the study was to evaluate the Bachelor of Nursing Science Program
(Revised curriculum B.E. 2551), Royal Thai Navy College of Nursing (RTNCN). The sample
were 224 persons, consisted of 5 educational experts, 24 nurse instructors, 59 fourth year
nursing students, 67 bachelor graduates in academic year 2014 and 69 graduates’ employers.
Data were collected using the 4 sets of questionnaires based on CIPP (Context, Input, Process,
and Product) model which were tested in terms of content validity by five experts, and
reliability by computing Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient (α = 0.91 – 0.98). Data were analyzed
by using descriptive statistics and content analysis. The research findings were as follows:
1) The “context evaluation” showed that the overall context of curriculum was rated as highly
appropriate, and revealed that the curriculum objectives, nursing uniqueness, RTNCN uniqueness,
and bachelor graduates identity were rated as consistency and highly appropriate.
2) The “input evaluation” showed that the readiness and suitability of the nurse instructors,
nursing students were appropriate at a high level, and also the educational resources were
rated highly appropriate in terms of sufficiency, quality and easy to access. 3) The “process
evaluation” showed that the measurement and evaluation, the instructional activities, and
also the curriculum administration and services were rated at the high level of appropriation.
4) The overall product was appropriate at a high level and revealed that the highest score
was military characteristics aspect, and followed by moral and ethics aspect. On the other
hand, numerical analysis, communication, and information technology skill was rated at the
lowest score.

Article Details

Research Article


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