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พรทิพย์ ไตรภัทร


The research objectives were to (1) study the state of contemplative education to
develop the transformational leadership of the nursing unit’s head in the hospital under
the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense (2) create curriculum for transformational leadership
development of the nursing unit’s head in the hospital under the jurisdiction of the
Ministry of Defense by using contemplative education and (3) evaluate the curriculum for
transformational leadership development.
These three steps were as follows:
Step One : Study state of contemplative education to develop the transformational
leadership of the nursing unit’s head in the hospital under the Jurisdiction of the Ministry
of Defense by interviewing 21 experts. The instrument was a structured interview and analysis
data with content analysis.
Step Two : Create the curriculum for transformational leadership development of the
nursing unit’s head in the hospital under the Jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense by using
contemplative education with data from the step one to (1) Create curriculum draft which
contained four units of study (2) Evaluated by fives experts for coherence and appropriateness
and (3) Improve the curriculum in accordance with experts’ suggestion.
Step Three : Evaluate the curriculum by using it in experimentation involving a sample
population of 31 head nurse or assistant head nurses of Somdech Phra Pinklao Hospital
in the form of one group pre-test post-test design, the instrument used for evaluation was
transformational leadership perception and satisfaction evaluation. Data were analyzed by
mean and standard deviation.
The results were as follow ;
Section 1 : The state of contemplative education to develop the transformational
leadership of the nursing unit’s head in the hospital under the Jurisdiction of the Ministry
of Defense revealed that the contemplative education was an abstract concept and difficult
to understand and practice ; lack of policy and contemplative education curriculum ; and
nursing unit’s head lack of knowledge, understanding and motivation for self development
by contemplative education.
Section 2 : The results of curriculum draft consisted four units and deemed appropriate
at a high to highest level and exhibited coherence in respect to all components.
Section 3 ; the results of curriculum evaluation showed that the level of post self-assessment
of transformational leadership by nursing unit’s head with an average higher
score than the pre self-assessment in all aspects at the statistically significant level of .05
and eight weeks after the training was completed showed there was no statistically significant
and the satisfaction score was at high level.

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Research Article


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