Relationships between Family Functions and Life Skills of Special Children with Personality Disorders
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Appropriated family functions would enhance life skills of normal and special children
in the family to be well-grown up with happy living in society. Effective family functions will
promote children’ life skills of normal and special children to enhance their growth and happy
living in society. This descriptive correlational study aimed to examine relationships between
family function and life skills of special children with personality disorder. A convenience
sampling was used to recruit a sample of 54 parents of special children with personality
disorder. They received follow-up treatment at Yuvaprasart Vitayopatham Hospital, Samut
Prakarn province from February to May 2016. Research instruments included a demographic
questionnaire, the Chulalongkorn Family Inventory and the adolescent’s life skill questionnaire.
Their Cronbach’s alpha reliability were .89 and .90 respectively. Descriptive statistics and
Pearson’s product moment correlation were used to analyze the data.
Results revealed that total mean scores of family functions and life skills were 104.09
(SD = 10.12) and 139.22 (SD = 16.81). Statistically significant relationship between total mean
scores of family functions and life skills was not found (p > .05). However, they were relationships
between total family functions and 5 subscales, including communication, behavior control,
general function, problem solving and emotional response with some aspects of the children’s
life skill (p < .05).
These findings indicate that family functions are related to some aspects of life skills.
Further research should deeply focus on finding an answer of what aspects of the children’s
life skills is crucial and able to be improved by family functions. It would be beneficial for
both the special children with personality disorder and their family.
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