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This study utilized a quasi-experimental design that aimed to 1) compare the
anxiety of patients before and after receiving the programs, and 2) compare mean anxiety
score of patients between the groups receiving the program and those receiving routine
nursing care. The research was based on Johnson’s theory of self-regulation and distraction
concept. The sample comprised 60 outpatients undergoing esophagogastroduodenoscopy
with local anesthesia at Priest Hospital Bangkok during April 25 June 24, 2016. The
researchers recruited participants by purposive sampling and were divided into the
experimental group and control group with 30 participants in each group. The control group
received routine nursing care and the experimental group was provided the information and
distraction program. The experimental tools included multimedia video preparation for the
esophagogastroduodenoscopy and distraction with squeeze balls. Data collection included
the demographic data and state anxiety inventory. Data were analyzed by descriptive
statistics, frequency, percentages, means, standard deviation, and independent t-test.
The results of this study showed:
1. There was not a statistically significant difference between the anxiety of patients
before and after receiving the programs.
2. The patient group that received the information and distraction program had lower
anxiety than the control group at a statistical significance level of .05.
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