Evaluation of the Aging Health Promotion Innovation in Elderly School in Roi Et Province


  • Piyamon Phugsachat สำนักงานสาธารณสุขจังหวัดร้อยเอ็ด
  • Sadudee Phuhongsai ศูนย์อนามัยที่ 7 ขอนแก่น


Aging health promotion innovation, Wellness Plan, Elderly school


Purpose ; To evaluation of the aging health promotion Innovation in elderly school by compared before and after of the health condition and behavior.  

Study design : Participatory action Research.

Materials and Methods : The operation in the elderly persons in 6 elderly school in Roi Et province there are 184 persons. The study using the ageing health promotion innovation in elderly school is “no falling, no dementia, no depressed and eat delicious course” in llesson plan at the elderly school. At least a time per month and 3 hours by the time, and using the Wellness Plan for practice at home, the periods for using the ageing health promotion Innovation in elderly school is 6 months. The materials in the study is the interview form. The quantity data by Paired t-test and McNemar’s Chi-square statistic. The study is on March, 2022- January,2023. Mean age (minimum-maximum) of the subjects was 69.18 ± 6.40 years (60 - 87 years), mostly 134 females (72.8%).

Main findings : After using the aging health promotion innovation in elderly school. The weight, waist, the problem of falling, risk of falling, average of timing of TUGT, the risk of depressed (2Q+) are not significant different (p>.05. The average of diastolic blood pasture, the knee pain problem are significant decreased. The average of AMT score is significant increased (p=.021). The average of health behavior score is increased especially the teeth brush in 2 munities per day and sleeping for 7-8 hours per day behavior are significant (p=.038, .013)

Conclusion and recommendation : The goal of aging health promotion innovation in elderly school are health literacy in elderly persons. The health promotion to correct the health personal risk and community participation. To expand the results in another elderly school and the elderly persons out of elderly school.


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2024-05-07 — Updated on 2024-05-07


How to Cite

Phugsachat P, Phuhongsai S. Evaluation of the Aging Health Promotion Innovation in Elderly School in Roi Et Province . J Res Health Inno Dev [Internet]. 2024 May 7 [cited 2024 Jun. 30];5(2):74-83. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jrhi/article/view/270990